2009 Discovery of the Mystery Land: Return to the Northern Territory
The documentary series “Discovery of the Mystery Land: The Northern Territory”, jointly produced with CCTV’s China Central Newsreel & Documentary Film Studio, was an unmitigated success. It was immensely popular with Chinese viewers and placed the Northern Territory on the map in the mind of the average Chinese person. Due to the success of this venture, CCTV returned to the NT in September 2009 to make a 2nd documentary together with Mr Man Liu. Broadcast of this sequel documentary began over Chinese New Year in 2010 and has proved even more successful than the first. More than 36,000 people registered to take on the roles of the adventurers in this documentary series, with 2 finally being selected having undergone various tests of strength, endurance and spirit of adventure. This sequel documentary series concentrated in particular of the sea and life around water. Cultural aspects are developed in more depth and a sense of mystery or exotic is there to tempt people to return. Aboriginal people and bush life are still the main focus. The Chinese film team on this project were professionals of the highest calibre. The individual members have received awards for their work domestically and abroad. Mr Rao Deng, a Tibetan minority cameraman, has been nominated at the Oscars for his work on the official Olympic documentary. Ms Shi Tong xin won best documentary at the Milan international festival.